I tried to get a small gathering of boats to have a short trip down to Dorchester over the weekend. What started off as 4 boats turned out to be one after each one dropped out. I went down with White Swallow on her boat. The weather was not the best, but we didn't get any of the rain as promised. We tied up just above Days Lock and settled in to an evening of backgammon and Scrabble( we do lead exciting lives), I lost,badly. Never try scrabble with someone who has a doctorate, you only put yourself to shame.
After a lazy morning of me reading and White swallow chuckling to herself over the Narrowdog to Carcassone. We decided to walk into Dorchester and have a look at the Abbey. What a vast building for such a small village, it dominates the village and all roads seem to return to it. In between a quick refreshment break we went for a walk and found the old mill.
We had to return to the Fleur De Ley (pub) for more suitable liquid recover, we spent a wonderful afternoon putting the world to rights and admiring the wildlife, as a hedgehog had wandered into the pub garden.
We left late afternoon and made our way back. We took out time to the point we hit Culham after hours and had to work ourselves through. We finally made it back for a late dinner, which topped off a great weekend
(sorry can't seem to able to put my photo's on)
Climate change, climate bullshit
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[image: The Epoch Times]
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Trillions Spent on ‘Climate Change’ Based on Faulty Temperature Data,
Climate Experts Say
1 year ago
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